Monday, June 20, 2011

Granny Squares!

So I have just begun my crochet journey! I have done some light crocheting in the past, but a few days ago really dedicated myself to learning the quintessential crochet pattern: the Granny Square! I have already hooked a slew of them and even learned two different ways of joining them.

My family and I have just moved into our first house and so during the packing and unpacking process the sheer hugeness of my yarn stash was brought to the surface. I have SO MUCH yarn, its a little scary. As a result, I am on a mission to make gifts for friends and family with this pile of yarn to help decrease the overabundance.

The large one on the left is my very first Granny Square! The smaller two to the
 right are just some ones I experimented with a couple days later.

A passing thought that crocheting would be a quicker way of creating items to gift floated through my mind and got stuck. I googled some how-to videos and in just one afternoon the wide world of crocheting burst open for me!

Besides the granny squares, I also made this super cute little cloche! I can't believe what a knitting snob I was, just last week, thinking that crochet was a lesser craft! I love it!

Close up of the cloche.

I will soon be posting my own tutorial on how to make a granny square, just because I think they are so much fun to make and everyone should try it!

Self-striping yarn gives these socks some visual
interest and really makes it easy!

Just a small post script, I LOVE knitting socks, and I just finished a pair for my son. He has a habit of kicking off his blanket, so I like to be sure his little tootsies stay warm!

Close up of Archon's socks.

Well, that's all I have for tonight. Please let me know what you think of my newest obsession!

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