Friday, March 9, 2012

Back on the horse...

Wow, I have been out of touch for so long, but I gave birth to my second child in July last year and the last 7 months have just been a whirlwind of activity. We closed on our house in June, only 3 weeks before the due date, so between labor and unpacking, I have been a busy woman!

But, I'm back on track now, gearing up to begin some new knitting projects, including some self-authored patterns. I can't wait to see how they turn out! My kids are such an inspiration for me, I love to knit them all sorts of things, and kid knits are so satisfying, those tiny items knitting up so quickly they feed my instant gratification personality.

Stay tuned for an update on the Yggdrasil blanket (finally on border #2!), as well as some pics of my pretty purple sweater (has anyone realized yet how much I love that color?) and the patterns I am intending to publish once they are perfected.

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